Jeanne Roth is a professor of voice at the ‘Haute École de Musique de Genève’. She also teaches vocal arts at the ‘Haute École de Musique Kaleidos’, and as a member of the SMPV (Swiss Music Pedagogical Association) and the ‘European Music Teachers Association’.
As a dedicated teacher and educator she has trained singers in a wide range of musical styles (opera, concert, chamber music, early and contemporary music). Many of her students have entered successful international careers in classical as well as popular music. Jeanne Roth regularly teaches master courses, often in collaboration with fellow artists (Roberto Saccà, Florian Uhlig, Nina Uhari, Gottlieb Wallisch, Michael Lochar, Sascha Soydan, Stefan Muhmenthaler, Rory Campbell, and others). In addition, Jeanne Roth has longstanding experience in preparing singers for the entrance examinations of music academies. For many years she has also been teaching classical singing by Skype.
Future master courses:
- None currently.